Winners Probacto 500 g

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The intestinal tract in pigeons is a huge breeding ground for bacteria, including numerous lactic acid bacteria. They form the intestinal flora or microbiota. Lactic acid bacteria are the main pro-biotics. Butyric acid is the most important source of energy for intestinal cells and has anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it reduces pathogenic bacterial growth.

Instructions: 1 teaspoon (5g) on the food. Feed to moisten with Finol or garlic oil and dry with Pro-bacto + Lauric acid. After grafting against smallpox, use from day 8 to day 12. In case of infection by adeno-circo and rota virus: 1 level tablespoon/kg of food moistened with elderberry syrup. At the same time Entero Plus mixed with 20g E-Trolyt at a rate of 10ml/l of drinking water during 5 consecutive days