Pantex Pantochol Cagebird 1 L

Out of stock
SKU: 89174637

Oral solution



Each ml contains:

D-Sorbitol                                    270 mg  

L-Lysine hydrochloride             17 mg

Thymol                                        0.07 mg

Carvacrol                                      0.5 mg

Excipients:  Herbal extracts


  • Improvement of condition and natural resistance.
  • Protection of kidneys, liver and nervous system.
  • Promotion of protein metabolism and muscle building.
  • Support of the intestinal health.
  • Carvacrol and Thymol are active in the entire gastrointestinal tract where they provide a natural protection.
  • Extra support during the breeding season.
  • Optimal feather development.

Pantochol Cagebird is indicated to administer before and during breeding season, during moulting and before shows.

 Dosage and administration:

Cage birds: 10 ml per 1 litre drinking water.

Oral administration via the drinking water.

 During moulting:                                                            administer daily

After a cure with antibiotics:                                     administer for 7 consecutive days

Before breeding season:                                            administer for 7 consecutive days

Before shows:                                                                 administer for 7 consecutive days


Store closed at 15 -25 °C, protected from light